Goldsboro, NC Center Street Improvements Phase One


Allison Platt & Associates designed and prepared construction documents for the first block of Center Street indowntown Goldsboro beginning in 2010. The first block was completed and dedicated in November, 2012. The right of way on this street is 140′ to accommodate the railroad tracks that ran down the center of the street until they were removed in 1927. Brick sidewalks have been widened to 19′ to allow room for sidewalk dining, and the 32′ median contains grass and an exposed aggregate walkway. A median park with a unique design is included near the center of each block. Trees include Zelkovas on the sidewalk to maximize views to storefronts, and Willow Oaks in the median to provide a high shady canopy in the summer months.

CENTER STREET AWARDS: “Great Places in the Making” NCAPA Award, 2016 & “Best Outdoor Space Improvement” NC Main Street Award 2016

RESULTS: The total public and private investment in the downtown through all three phases totals $66.5 million since 2013.