Projects Gallery
Streetscapes & Parks

Newton, NC Streetscape Master Plan

The Streetscape Master Plan for Newton included master plan elements and design development drawings for the streetscape surrounding the historic Courthouse Square in downtown Newton. The analysis phase of work revealed that Newton was experiencing a decline in...

Goldsboro, NC Center Street & the HUB Phase Three

Allison Platt and Rivers & Associates  won the contract to prepare CDs for the last phase of Center Street Improvements. This work included the design and CDs for a 28,000 square foot urban park/ transportation hub next to the street. The $6 million budget for...

Goldsboro, NC Center Street Improvements Phase Two

Planning for Phase Two of the Center Street Improvements began in 2013 and construction documents were completed in early 2014. Teamed with The Wooten Company, engineers, AP&A planned two blocks of improvements including intersection roundabouts and locations...

Goldsboro, NC Center Street Improvements Phase One

Allison Platt & Associates designed and prepared construction documents for the first block of Center Street indowntown Goldsboro beginning in 2010. The first block was completed and dedicated in November, 2012. The right of way on this street is 140' to...

Wilson, NC Douglas Street Improvements

Allison Platt was the Rivers project manager for design and construction documents for surface improvements to three blocks of Douglas Street and one block of Barnes Street in Wilson. Douglas has been slated to become the Avenue of Science and Technology, including...

Washington, NC Main Streetscape

When working at Allison Platt & Associates in the 1990’s, we prepared a master plan and construction drawings for the waterfront promenade in Washington in the 1990s. In 2019 Allison Platt, while at Rivers, led the team to redesign and implement two blocks of...

Plymouth, NC

In September 2021, discussions with Town leaders in Plymouth revealed that the Town was ready to move forward with streetscape and riverfront improvements in light of developer interest in the downtown properties. By moving forward with important public...


Elon Gathering Space

During the COVID-19 business closures the Town closed off a portion of a block adjacent to most of the retail businesses and restaurants and immediately across from the Elon campus so that people could order food and enjoy it in the open space provided. This proved...

New Bern, NC Streetscapes

Allison Platt & Associates designed and prepared construction documents for six blocks of downtown New Bern over about ten years. The City placed a high priority on streetscape improvements because major new investments were being made in the downtown by the...

Pembroke, NC Union Chapel Rd Streetscape

While at Rivers Allison Platt was project manager for the first new downtown streetscape in many years.  The sketch below shows the original concept for a new or renovated building in this location.  A local investor built a new mixed-use building in the downtown...